Nobuko Murakami is a Japanese visual artist who has lived in France since 1997. After studying the art of chiseling at the Beaux Arts in Osaka, she first worked as a jewelry designer.

In 1999, she began to explore, in her artistic work, the relationship between the visible and the invisible, drawing on the beliefs and traditions that had accompanied her since childhood. Among these, the figure of the snake is an important symbol of wealth, fertility and rebirth. A discreet protector of the house, its presence was only revealed by the discovery of its skins at the time of moulting.

Nobuko explores all the possibilities offered by paper, from the traditional technique of folded paper, reinterpreted to create sculptures, masks and in situ installations, to Braille writing that connects the visible to the invisible. She also explores the cyanotype process, which leaves it to light to reveal her creations.