50 x 100 cm

Acrylic on canvas


Inspired by the frescoes of Herculaneum and Pompeii, Emmanuelle Nhean interprets the mosaics as testimonies of a past that history has almost obscured forever.

The juxtapositions and superimpositions of patterns and colours take us back to the lives that followed one another, in these prosperous and elegant cities of the "Land of the Gods" as the Romans called Campania.

And then, the sudden, dramatic and definitive event, the burial of an entire people under the fire of the volcano;

And then, the testimonies of the past, elegance and prosperity, rites and myths revealed anew by the work of research and memory...

By honouring the mosaics and frescoes of Pompeii and Herculaneum, Emmanuelle Nhean not only shows her admiration for Greco-Roman civilization but also delivers a modest parallel with her own history, that of the Cambodian people whose ancestral culture almost disappeared forever, reduced to nothing by the destructive madness of the Khmer Rouge tyrant.

PRICE : Upon request

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Acrylic on canvas

50 x 100 cm

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