80 x 120 cm

Inks, walnut husk, and red chalk on wood


Ramya Chuon has created a series of works inspired by representations of traditional warriors in ceremonial attire: It is, as in other themes explored by Ramya, the alliance of the ceremonial and the spiritual which dominates, in the subject represented and in its realization.

With "Kyudo", ("the way of the bow" in Japanese), Ramya explores traditional Japanese archery, influenced by the different spiritualities present in Japan and in particular Zen, adopted by the Samurai as a method of moral training several centuries ago.

Kyudo is thus, according to the French Kyudo Federation, "both an art and a path to personal achievement, through the ritualized practice of archery."

Ritualized, it is only practiced in groups of archers dressed in traditional clothing, each individual in the group having to respect a common discipline: the calm and elegant execution of a sequence of eight codified gestures is essential and counts even more than the ability to reach the target. It is thus aesthetics, refinement and harmony which are the criteria for appreciating each shot.

For Ramya, it is one of those disciplines which, through self-control, allows you to better understand yourself, to elevate your spirit, in order to flourish.




PRICE : 1400€

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Chuon, Ramya


Inks, walnut husk, and red chalk on wood

80 x 120 cm

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