Cambodian artist, Chankrim was born in  1991.

The victim of irresponsible parents, he was sold into slavery on a pineapple plantation in Thailand when he was still a child. Drugged by his torturers as is often the case, he ended up being expelled. Back in Cambodia, he joined the art school of the Phare Ponleu Selpak association in Battambang.

His talent and his universe are then fully expressed as an outlet for the traumatic experiences of his childhood and adolescence.

He says: “When I was a child, I didn’t wear a shirt, sometimes not even pants. I lost my mother forever, my father is still alive but I never knew him. My grandmother mother raised me. I do my best to heal myself through painting, to eliminate the loneliness, the fear, the cold, but sometimes the pain comes back in flashes. I know that many children continue to be in the same situation. Look around you, you will surely come across one.”