15 September 2023

Cambodia / France: The Fragments #Kh50 project

Fragments - Khmer - commemoration - memory

Bringing together our fragments of stories to reconstruct our collective memory

It is family ties and friendships with Cambodia that are at the origin of the creation of Galerie Oia. It is therefore natural that Galerie Oia decided to support the FRAGMENTS #KH50 project carried out by the Fragmentis Vitae Asia association.

Initiated in view of the 50th anniversary of the Khmer Rouge takeover in Cambodia, this project aims to transform the need for memory expressed by the descendants of refugees into collective memory work.

Indeed, out of modesty or instinct of preservation, through the weight of culture, those who are able to share what they knew, experienced, saw, of the dark period during which their country was ruled by the Khmer Rouge , don’t do it. Their children, grandchildren, old enough to understand and question themselves, old enough to search for their roots and understand what led them to where they are today, look for the clues, the answers, the anecdotes that would allow them to to better know their origins and their parents.

Thus was born this desire to pool fragments of individual stories to constitute a collective memory.

The first major component of this project will be the construction of a monument to pay tribute to the victims of mass crimes perpetrated in Cambodia. The monument, which will be erected in the town of Bussy-Saint-Georges, will have a strong symbolic dimension and will involve artists and children from the town.

To go further: https://www.fragmentis-vitae.org/