Jardin de Lotus (diptych)

100 x 200 cm

Oil - palette knife painting on canvas


In 2021, after the trying period of confinement during which he focused on the very demanding and time-consuming technique of watercolor on silk, Tay needed to find freedom, wide open spaces, nature, spontaneity. It is through oil and knife work that he will free himself from constraints, experiment, get out of his comfort zone. He says, "I've always used difficult techniques that require concentration and where mistakes are forbidden. With oil on canvas, I'm freer. I express my emotions without shame. »


The first series of works is dedicated to the lotus flower, a symbol of its country of origin, Vietnam, and of resilience. The flower aspires to the highest purity. The aquatic plant can emerge from the blackness of the mud to flourish and rise out of the water to bloom in style. The lotus flower can be found in most of the artist's works.

PRICE : 11000€

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Jardin de Lotus (diptych)

Oil - palette knife painting on canvas

100 x 200 cm

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