6 September 2023

Parcours des Mondes 2023

Artiste - Expos - Galerie - Parcours des Mondes

Galerie Oia visited the Galerie Arts d’Australie – Stéphane Jacob-Langevin for its exhibition “Tjukurpa” as part of the Parcours des Mondes 2023 (September 5 – 10)

Tjukurpa is the Dreamtime which, at the heart of the culture of all Aboriginal peoples of Australia, represents the time of the creation of the world and everything that composes and inhabits it.

As in other cultures marked by shamanism, animal deities are at the center of many legends as being the creators and protectors of sacred sites. The sites themselves, like the plants that grow there or the waterways that cross them, are celebrated for their symbolic meaning or their importance in the organization and conduct of the ceremonies which punctuate the life of different communities.

To discover more about Dreamtime and Aboriginal legends, visit Stéphane Jacob-Langevin’s gallery located at 13, rue Chapon 75003 Paris